... His lips are moving, goes the old joke. An alternative answer at the moment might be that he is explaining to you the reasons for Peter Batty's departure from Intergraph. I have heard from my friends in the Intergraph utility team that competitive salespeople have been telling customers that I left Intergraph because they are pulling out of the utility business, and I just wanted to say that this is complete nonsense. The utility business is one of Intergraph's most profitable areas, and Intergraph has some strong momentum there right now and is very committed to the business. I think that Intergraph is very strongly positioned in the utility market currently. I'll write more about my perspectives on the utility business at some point soon, but I just wanted to try to squash that rumor.
I'm in New Orleans for Jazzfest the next few days, so hopefully will not be posting too much until next week!
It's interesting how certain people choose to distort the truth in this industry, isn't it though?