Friday, May 7, 2010

Video of GITA panel on geodata creation and sharing

As I had mentioned previously, I moderated a panel at the GITA conference in Phoenix last week called "Not your father's approach to geodata creation and sharing" with a distinguished cast of geo-characters: Steve Coast, founder of OpenStreetMap and Cloudmade, James Fee, blogger and evangelist at WeoGeo, Ron Lake, Chairman and CEO of Galdos, and Andrew Turner, CTO of FortiusOne.

We had a lot of interesting discussion, Joe Francica did a nice writeup, and Dale Lutz said the panel was "the buzz of the conference". So without further ado, here is the video, an hour and 45 minutes long :O !!

GITA Panel: Not your father's approach to geodata creation and sharing from Peter Batty on Vimeo.

Maybe I'll try to do an edited highlights version at some point, but don't have time right now! I may also blog a bit on lessons learned from moderating a panel like this. There's a tricky balance between just letting it flow and trying to impose a bit of structure, or cut topics off when they go too long or get into too much detail. Overall I think it worked out pretty well but there are a few things I would do a little differently next time.

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