Thursday, January 27, 2011

Geospatial in the cloud

As mentioned previously, earlier in the week myself, Brian Timoney and Chris Helm did a set of presentations and demos on geospatial technology in the cloud, to the Boulder Denver Geospatial Technologists group. We were aiming to give a quick taste of a variety of interesting geo-things currently happening in the cloud, and we did it as six slots of about ten minutes each, and apart from my introductory opening slot these were all demos:
  • Peter: Why the cloud?
  • Brian: Google Fusion Tables
  • Chris: the OpenGeo stack on Amazon (PostGIS, GeoServer, OpenLayers, etc)
  • Peter: Ubisense myWorld and Arc2Earth
  • Chris: GeoCommons
  • Peter: OpenStreetMap
We got a lot of good feedback on the session. Here's the video (for best quality click through to vimeo and watch in HD):

Geo in the cloud from Peter Batty on Vimeo.

Here are links to the demos we used, or related sites:
And finally, here are my slides on slideshare:


  1. Thanks for all the links and the slides, oh and the video.

  2. Thanks for posting this Peter. Good stuff, but no mention of I suppose I am bias. =)

  3. Hi Josh, sorry about that, obviously we couldn't mention everyone active in the geo cloud area, so we picked what we thought was a good cross section of examples where the 3 of us had direct experience.

  4. Peter - thanks for taking the extra step of making the video of your presentations and sharing your info with the rest of us English speaking geo-nerds. it is very appreciated.

  5. Notification of OSM edits: You can use to setup notifications of OSM edits. Here is a link - ITO Worrld.

  6. Bernie, thanks both for the thanks and for the pointer to the ITO World notification service. And good work on watching the video right to the very end :) !!

  7. Alfred Sawatsky also tweeted that he uses OWL to track OSM updates in an area (this gives you an RSS feed).
