- A quick intro to OpenStreetMap for any newcomers
- Some tips on using the Potlatch 2 map editor, which provides some cool new features - this should be good for both newcomers and experienced mappers
- Examples of how government agencies from various parts of the world are using OpenStreetMap
- Cool new tools for developers using OpenStreetMap, like Leaflet and Kothic
- Some interesting applications using OpenStreetMap
- Last but not least, how OpenStreetMap was used to show that you can in fact walk across Dublin without passing a pub (pubs have always been a mainstay of OpenStreetMap!)
Monday, June 20, 2011
Speaking at OpenStreetMap Meetup in Denver tomorrow
As mentioned previously, I'll be speaking at tomorrow's OpenStreetMap meetup in Denver tomorrow, at the cool new MapQuest offices downtown. My attempt to crowdsource the presentation got a great response, and I got lots of suggestions for interesting content. I plan to have something for everyone, along the following lines:
Come to Waterloo (CA), we would like to have you here to talk about both OpenStreetMap and myWorld:)