Sunday, September 4, 2011

Crowdsourcing my State of the Map keynote talk

A couple of months ago I gave a talk at the monthly OpenStreetMap meetup in Denver and I decided to try crowdsourcing the content (in the best OpenStreetMap tradition), and it worked out very well. I received a good amount of interesting content from several folks (thanks everyone!). I rashly agreed to do a keynote at the upcoming State of the Map conference in Denver (rashly since I'm chairing the FOSS4G conference right after that, and am more than a little busy with that, not to mention my day job :O !!). So I thought I would do the same thing again and appeal for ideas on things I should include in a tour of what's new and cool in OpenStreetMap.

You can send me links to stories, slides if you have them, or anything else that you think would be useful. If you did a presentation on something cool and interesting at SotM EU but can't make it to Denver, I'd be happy to mention it over here. And even if you are presenting something over here, I'm happy to include a slide or two as a "trailer" for your talk. Of course I can't promise to include everything, depending on how much material I end up with (and I do have some of my own of course!), but will do my best.

In general I'm interested in hearing about things that you think are (reasonably) new and interesting in the OpenStreetMap world including:
  • Cool applications using OpenStreetMap data 
  • New (or improved) tools for creating / editing OpenStreetMap data 
  • Examples of businesses or government organizations using OpenStreetMap 
  • Anything else you think is interesting! 

Please just drop me an email, or comment below. I will give credit to all contributors, of course!

1 comment:

  1. We covered a couple of real world applications, such as a crowdsourced atlas of Afghanistan and the online employment application for MI5, in a course on P2PU:
