Monday, May 14, 2012

Presentations from GeoAlberta 2012

I spent last week up in Calgary for the GeoAlberta conference, which was celebrating its tenth anniversary. It was a good event and I attended a number of good presentations. Dale Lutz of Safe Software gave an interesting review of the history of geospatial data, and my vintage 1990 paper on Exploiting Relational Database Technology in GIS got a mention in the section about moving into databases.

I gave the opening keynote talk on "Geospatial Everywhere", on trends in the industry. For those who've seen my presentations previously there will be some things you've seen before, but there's also a lot of new material in this version, including quite a bit on the multimedia trends that I wrote about in my previous post. You can see the talk on vimeo here:

I also participated in a panel discussion with Ed Parsons of Google and Chris Moore, CIO of the City of Edmonton. Chris gave an excellent keynote talk earlier that day - I was very impressed at what City of Edmonton is doing in its IT operation, it is definitely one of the most progressive local government organizations that I've come across. We covered a good range of topics on trends in the geospatial industry.

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