- Peter: Why the cloud?
- Brian: Google Fusion Tables
- Chris: the OpenGeo stack on Amazon (PostGIS, GeoServer, OpenLayers, etc)
- Peter: Ubisense myWorld and Arc2Earth
- Chris: GeoCommons
- Peter: OpenStreetMap
We got a lot of good feedback on the session. Here's the video (for best quality click through to vimeo and watch in HD):
Geo in the cloud from Peter Batty on Vimeo.
Here are links to the demos we used, or related sites:- Utah Oil Wells in Fusion Tables (Brian)
- Denver Elections map in Fusion Tables (Brian)
- Centennial address lookup (Brian)
- FOSS4G 2010 attendance map in Fusion Tables (Peter)
- FOSS4G 2010 attendance map in GeoCommons (Peter)
- How to run an OpenGeo Amazon instance (Chris) - blog post from OpenGeo, our demo instance is not running permanently
- Video demo of Ubisense myWorld (Peter) - public demo not currently available
- GeoCommons (Chris)
- OpenStreetMap (Peter)
And finally, here are my slides on slideshare:
Geo in the cloud
View more presentations from Peter Batty.